Khuda Haafiz, directed by Faruk Kabir and produced by Panorama Studios, is a drama film set against the backdrop of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. The film follows Sameer Chaudhary, who is in a race against time to save his newlywed wife Nargis. During the economic slowdown, Sameer and Nargis both lost their jobs. As a result, they applied for work in Oman, but when a job opening came up, it was Nargis who got the call. In this way, they became one despite their differences.
This film is a digital release, and is only available for premium and VIP subscribers on Disney+Hotstar. As it is only available to paid subscribers, it is only available to those who pay for Hotstar. However, the movie’s production budget is estimated at ten crores, making it an interesting business venture for the producers. However, Khuda Haafiz is not without its flaws.
The film had a disastrous opening weekend at the box office, but it is slowly beginning to return to normal. With a good lineup of films and a stable footfall, the Indian exhibition industry is gradually returning to a normal state. The top four grossing Indian movies were Thor: Love And Thunder, Agni Pariksha, JugJugg Jeeyo, and Khuda Haafiz Chapter 2!
Khuda Haafiz: Chapter II is the sequel to the successful 2020 film, and it released on Disney+ Hotstar amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The sequel starred Shivaleeka Oberoi, Vidyut Jammwal, and Abhishek Pathak. The film was a mixed hit at the box office, and failed to attract the audience it was aiming for.
A sequel to the hit film from 2020, Khuda Haafiz: Agnipariksha, has finally been released on Disney+ Hotstar. Faruk Kabir directed the film with Shivaleeka Oberoi and Rajesh Tailang. The film has received mixed reviews from critics. Some have called the film an uninspiring Vidyut jamboree.
The film’s budget was reportedly around Rs 30-40 crore. It spent 10 crores on advertising, making the film a good deal more expensive than its predecessor. But with all of these elements, the film is sure to become a hit. We’ll update the review once the movie is released. So, what’s the verdict on Khuda Haafiz? Do you think it will be a hit or flop? If you like the first movie, we recommend you go see it. If you like it, you’ll probably love the sequel.